Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer” – Anonymous
For all the footloose geeks, the possibility of travel is exciting. With life slowly pacing back to normalcy, this summer the prospect of a new journey beckons many. Summer vacations or just a calling of the road, this year the suitcases shall see sunshine.
However, amidst all the good tidings, mindful eating shouldn’t take a back seat. As the summer simmers, and we crawl back to regularity, take care of your health and find great memories waiting on the other side of your journey.
Indulge! It has been long-awaited. But also invest a thought on not letting go of the healthy habits you have acquired. Bon Voyage!
Choosing right for the road: Challenges in diet and nutrition while travelling
It is understandable that you might not be able to maintain your routine during days of travel. Your usual mealtime also might not find a regular recurrence. During this period to satisfy our food cravings, we tend to junk. Carrying home-cooked food, or from the hotel where you are put up is recommended.
Consider the duration of your journey before you conclude what to carry. Listed below are some of our recommendations that will be your health ally as you create your roaming tales.
DR recommends: some ideas on what you could pack
Methi theplas with raw mango chunda make a filling lunch.
Sandwiches are a great way to get your daily fix of vegetables. Use wholegrain or sourdough bread instead of white bread which can get soggy quickly.
Salads can be carried in mason jars, with salad dressing forming the bottom-most layer and assorted vegetables and microgreens forming the upper layers. Shake to mix for a delightful hunger fix.
Cut fruits are good, but avoid buying them from roadside vendors. Carry them in an airtight box or in a punnet.
Put your baking skills acquired during the pandemic to good use. Bake mango, blueberry or banana muffins, and fruit or carrot cake to satisfy sweet cravings.
Ready to drink fruit juices have high levels of sugar. Soft drinks are the worst. Instead, you could carry lemonade or
aam panna
since raw mangoes are in the season.
Carry a jar full of trail mix containing nuts and dry fruits.
Some additional tips
Once you reach your destination, eat local.
Try seasonal fruits and vegetables of the region
Hydrate! avoid drinking chilled water.
Onions lower body heat. In case of heatstroke, rub onion juice on the forehead, chest and soles of feet.
Visit Deeprooted.Co for the freshest fruits and vegetables and let the long-awaited vacation begin.