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5 Tips to Keep your Fruits & Veggies Fresh

5 Tips to Keep your Fruits & Veggies Fresh

01 September, 2022
Eat Fresh

Chennai and its coastal connection are older than time. The sun has its temper while the sea soothes it down. This creates a unique weather mix that can impact the freshness of the fruits and vegetables.

The weather here is primarily hot and humid. Humidity is the presence of moisture in the air which provides a congenial environment for viruses to grow. On the other hand, if the regular water is too salty it acts as an enabler since many use salt to wash away any residues from fruits and veggies.

Our everyday meal contributes to our wellness. Our choice of diet is not only important but ensuring what we consume is fresh and retains its original goodness is also key. So how do we do that?

Nature has its own way of balancing, here are some recommended steps that will help keep your fruits and veggies fresh:

  1. Eat Fresh. Often, you are not sure of the source and the methods of keeping it fresh. A lot of fruits and vegetables can’t endure extreme temperatures, (as it is not native to the place) ripens or their quality deteriorates faster. Buy to suffice your needs, and consume without having to preserve them for a longer period of time.

  2. Buy from local farmers or sources that bring the fruits and veggies directly from the harvest. This ensures a longer shelf life as its freshness is not lost in transit. At Deep Rooted. Co, we bring the freshest fruits and veggies hours from their harvest.

  3. We often don’t segregate our fruits and veggies. It is extremely crucial to store the fruits and vegetables right. There are a lot of fruits like Bananas, Apples, and Figs which emit Ethylene responsible for their ripening. So segregate vegetables from fruits.

  4. Wash and then store the veggies. Dry them naturally, moisture can hurt the veggies. If all of these feel cumbersome, head on to our Easy Cook Range, where we are offering the freshest assortment of cut vegetables with the checks done just right. Dip your veggies in salt water and ensure you keep them away from direct sun. Store them in a dry and cool place.

  5. Be mindful of the leafy greens as they wilt faster than others. After rinsing use paper covers for drying them. Don’t put it in the fridge before that.